Save money on skin care

Let your skin feel better - with less than ten euros per month
We usually have several products to take care of our facial skin: cleanser, make-up removal product, exfoliator, skin toner, serums, daytime cream, night cream, around the eyes cream, facial mask, lip balm. The amount of different chemicals is huge. Not to mention how much money we spend on all these products.
Did you know, that Luonkos offers an ecological Finnish alternative, with which you can cleanse your face and make-up, balance, nurture and moisturize your skin? All this with one single high quality product. Sounds too good to be true? Maybe, but it is true. Luonkos oil cleansing cakes are actual multifunction products; you will save your skin, nature and also money, plus you will know what you are applying to your face.
What does oil cleansing do?
- Oil cleansing is a gentle but effective way to cleanse your face. Skin will not loose its protective surface, oil will loosen up the dirt and impurities, and the skin is left glowing without dryness. Oil cleansing is suitable also for make-up removal. In addition the oils will nurture the lashes and delicate skin around the eyes.
- Suitable for all. Oil cleansing is suitable for all ages and skin types; sensitive, dry, mixed, normal and oily skins.
- Balances the effects of skin problems. Skin strives to produce what it is missing. Cleansing products that easily makes the skin dry (eg soaps), will disturb the natural functioning of the skin. When the bacterial balance of the skin is disturbed, the surface will get dry and even closes pores, causing sebum of the skin to create clots, acne and even long lasting inflammations. Luonkos oil cleansing cakes do not change the PH balance of the skin, but maintain the natural condition by bringing the necessary fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins. Oil cleansing works well also with acne and oily skin.
- With the correct routine, the oil cleansing will work for all. With oil cleansing, the correct routine is essential - wipe oil off the face with wet cloth or sponge, not with water. Small part of people feel that oil cleansing is not suitable for their skin; in those cases we recommend double-cleansing method. With double-cleansing we mean a skin care routine in which the skin is fist treated with oil cleansing and after that with powder-based cleansing product. Oil cleansing is excellent way to take care of your skin, but if you are concerned that your skin is too oily afterwards, the double-cleansing is a good option to choose.
"Skin condition - surface-dry and couperosa. Skin tone is a lot more even, I wash the face and make-up, wipe off and sometimes even add some more and leave it on the skin. Great product :) -Kaisa 11/2022"
How to do the oil cleasing?
Handle the oil cleansing cake with clean, dry hands. Oil cleansing is done without water.
- Rub the cake between your warm hands until oil starts to dissolve.
- Apply the oil on your skin in rotating movements until the oil removes make-up or any impurities on your skin.
- Wipe your face with a sponge or a cloth dipped in warm water.
Luonkos oil cleansing cakes won a valued award already in 2020, jury among beauty journalists, for following statement: "Ethical, ecological and Finnish natural cosmetics serie. Plastic free packaging, hand made products that work as promised are delightful throughout the serie". Luonkos oil cleansing cakes have won multiple Finnish but also international awards for their innovativeness.
"Infinity oil cake - Excellent product" Suits perfectly for sensitive, dry skin that easily has redness on it. This product has calmed down and strengthend my skin. I am expecting a lot of help during the winter time, when the skin gets even more dry. -V 09/2022"
Why oil cleansing is saving money?
One oil cleansing cake is replacing facial cleansing product, make-up removal product, skin toner and even moisturizing cream. Cakes are long lasting, with one cake you can do for three, even four months (this is less than ten euros for one month). Oil cleansing does not "over wash" your skin, and therefore the need for moisturizers is also reduced. Some users do not need any moisturizer at all after oil cleansing, some will add some drops of oil serum for clean skin or their favorite moisturizing cream.
Many suffering from eczema have been pleased with oil cleansing, some of them have been able to discard cortisone and other medical creams partly or totally. User experiences have shown strong evidence of the oil cleansing advantages to dry skin and eczema. We need to remember, however, that the microbiome is different and individual for all persons and therefore the effects can vary.
Skin, nature, wallet
With less chemicals, natural and ecological products you can save your skin. With less bottles and other packages in your bathroom you can save money. Zero Waste packagings save nature when everything is recyclable; products and packaging do not contain any micro plastics either. With sustainable choices you will also support jobs in Finland.
According to Luonkos philosophy; you are part of new skin care routine.
Choose the oil cleansing cake for your skin type
"I will give the absolute highest points to the products! This removes all the make-up so easily, I dont need anything else. And the forest microbes on top of everything else! Ah, me like! -J:V: 11/2022"